Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Great Finger Fiasco!

The Harris family has a solid tradition of finger injuries. It all started when the patriarch of the family, Marion, decided to cut his finger off when he was younger. Everyone has been trying to follow in his footsteps since then. Jayme had a valiant attempt when she slammed her finger in the back of a door hinge. Unfortunately there was enough skin and bones to keep the finger together.

Next in line to try was Kali. Embarrassed about her poor attempt so she hid her finger from the family until it was too late to stitch.

Well, Victoria has been doing her best to fit in with the family, so this past Sunday she gave the finger cutting off an attempt. She was cutting matte board for a class project when she slipped. Now this isn't a commercial, but those Cutco knifes are amazingly sharp. The only way to describe this cut is with pictures. Those with weak stomachs, please turn away now!

Needless to say I was a little surprised when I got home from church (Victoria skipped relief society, hence the accident)

So we rushed on over to the "InstantCare" in Orem. By instant they mean 2 hours later. I got quite bored (this is where all the camera phone pictures came from).

**Side Note- THE BEST THING about Doctors office...... HIGHLIGHTS MAGAZINE! We had a grand time trying to find all the hidden objects in the picture! Luckily there were no circles around every object like there are in some Doctor's office where little brats run amok. Click on the picture below and give it a try yourself and tell me it's not the best thing in the world! They were not lying when they said it would provide MINUTES of fun!

Anyway back to the story. Victoria was pretty nervous because she thought they were going to have to stick needles in her cut and scrub it clean. I assured her that they wouldn't have to do anything like that. Well, after we went back to see the Doctor they stuck needles in her cut and scrubbed it clean. Whoops! Don't worry, I got pictures of that too!

So after all was said and done, it was quite a Sunday! The downside, I got stuck cooking dinner. Well, I was able to take instuctions from Victoria about how to make dinner. And it turned out pretty good!

So Victoria is one step closer to becoming a Harris! Good Show Victoria! Less than 60 Days and it will be official and you won't have to worry about this finger nonsense!


♥ kaliente ♥ said...

Haha. that's awesome! I love it!!!! sorry about your finger victoria!
But, I'm glad you guys had Highlights to keep you busy while you waited! Love you!

Jayme said...

Welcome to the family!!! You are truly one of us.

Kayce said...

Jordan, Don't forget when you sliced your hand trying to cut the GI joe guy or something and didn't tell anyone, and when I closed a pocket knife on my finger while I was driving. It really is a family tradition. Jordan and Victoria it was meant to be. Now Jeremy, Mom, and Max need a story.