Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I hate school, but I don't hate everything......

Here I am sitting in English class, being extremely frustrated with school... for good reason. We had a big proposal due today in class. I spent the last 4 hours freaking out and doing research and perfecting my proposal rough draft so I could turn it in on time. When I got to class I felt pretty satisfied about my proposal and I was hoping it would stack up to the others in my class. Boy was I disappointed when I got to class and we started to peer review everyone's proposal.

Girl 1: "I want to do research to see if girls are on diets"

That was the entire proposal!!!! MINE WAS 8 PAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girl 2: " I didn't do a proposal because it was hard and I didn't understand it"

Teacher: "Don't worry about it, just try to write something"


I am over school. Please give me a Degree! Please?

Maybe it's just been a stressful week, and that's why I was on edge tonight, or maybe it's because the BRONCOS LOST 41-3!!!!!!!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I am happy as can be about the Rockies doing well, but I was NOT willing to trade a Rockies season for unbelievably poor start to the Broncos season!!! UGH!!!!

Now enough with the downside of life, and up with brighter side of my life.

1st thing that me smile

Every summer I coach summer camps in Utah, and in doing so I have met most of the population of High School lacrosse players in Utah County. One of the player I have made friends with, got himself in trouble, and it couldn't be any funnier.

This kid is borderline albino, and he decided it would be funny to streak the Pleasant Grove homecoming fashion show. That is funny! The best part is the aftermath. He was arrested and now faces a felony charge, and he there is a possibility that he will have to register as a sex offender with the state!!!!

here is the news story

"PROVO, Utah (AP) -- A Pleasant Grove teen might face jail time after streaking during the Pleasant Grove High School homecoming pageant.

The teen's name is not being released until an arrest has been made. The man will be charged with lewdness in the presence of a minor, a class A misdemeanor.

Police say the charge of lewdness in the presence of a minor stems from the fact that many young children were present in the audience of roughly 800 people.

If the teen is convicted, it is possible he will have to register as a sex offender because he is an adult."

Ok, good stuff, but it gets better. There is a section for comments on the KSL website, and the comments were HILARIOUS!


My personal favorite comment:

"You are perverted sex offenders. Stay away from our football games and our children. You may think that streaking is hilarious, and you would be right. But just because it is hilarious doesn't mean we can't ruin your life by transforming you into a sex offender. Let this be a lesson to all you prankster pervs out there in Utah County. We will not be streaked upon!!!"

THAT IS GOLD!!! These people are out of control, and it makes me laugh.

2nd reason I am happy:

The Rockies!!! For further reference on this amazing development in baseball, check out my sister Kayce's blog. It full of pictures and an actual account from being at the game. It's been really fun watching them, and let us pray the Sports Illustrated Curse doesn't bite us in the butt.

3rd Reason I am happy- The wait is almost over!! Next Tuesday marks a big day for me. You might be thinking it's only one month until I get married, and you'd be right, but TRANSFORMERS COMES OUT ON THE 16th! My favorite movie.....EVER!


But honestly, I am way more excited that Victoria and I are down to month! We have our invitations and we will be sending them out soon! We are so excited, and we can't wait for the wait to be over! Plus, we were looking at Copper Mountain today and we cannot wait to go snowboarding for our honeymoon!

We will put up pictures from our awesome hike last Saturday soon!


Jayme said...

That was a GREAT blog. I laughed multiple times. In fact...I am still laughing. When are you guys coming home? I can't wait to see you. Hurry up, get your degree, get out of crazy Utah and move to COLORADO!!!

Jayme said...

Jordan, I joined the facebook group to feed the streaker. That is the funniest thing I have ever heard. I have been laughing about it all day.

Jayme said...

HA HA!! I meant free the streaker