Monday, May 26, 2008

Family Vacation Update 1

We are in Grand Junction, Colorado. The armpit of the state. Luckily we made it today, ole' Clutchy held on strong for us. We will be departing on the morrow for Gateway, Colorado. I'm not sure what it is a gateway to, but I'm praying it's not hell.

Also, 3 years ago I was arrested. Please refer to this webpage for more information concern said arrest.

Thank you Kayce for the great find. Please enjoy the mugshot, more like glamor shot. Do you see that zit?!?!

Anyway, should this "Gateway" be to fun, I shall report back and let you know. Everyone can soon find out what happens if you turn off at Grand Junction and keep going! (anyone who has driven it has wondered). It's late and I will regret posting my mugshot in the morning. Goodnight moon!


Jayme said...

SO funny. I love your mugshot. You are insane.

Jared Autrey said...

This, sir, is fantastic!