Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Well unfortunately for America we really had terrible choices with both presidential candidates this year. Wow. I will say the one thing that I was Super nervous about was passing Prop 8 which did and now I feel SO much better. I don't understand people's hate towards our church. For those of you who saw the stupid commercial with the two guys pretending to be missionaries (if you didn't see it, don't it will just make you angry) what in the world was that!?!?!?! Completely, 110% uncalled for and WAY out of line. I mean seriously, people are so out of control and the thing that is funny is most of them don't have the slightest clue what they are talking about. We are good people, and one of the things that bugs me more then anything is when they attack President Monson. Give me a break. It breaks my heart that our world has become so evil. It scares me to think of what our children will have to deal with. I take comfort in knowing that our kids will be able to face the trials they are given as long as we prepare them. Despite everything in this crazy world, I am proud to be a member of our church and be associated with everything that is wonderful about it.